Friends are people that I can't do without. They add a lot of spice to my life. I usually hang out with three other girls. We formed " The Team". This is because of the our names. T-Trinity, E-Eileen, A-Alicia (me) and M-Michelle. We have been friends for years. We often go dancing at discos and pubs which is our favourite. Although once in a while we may have conflicts, instead of drifting apart , it pulled us even close together. Life will be meaningless without this fun group of friends. One of them, Michelle is my closest best friend. We know each other for more than ten years since secondary one at the age of thirteen in Yishun Town Secondary School. We can talk about anything under the sun. We know each other innermost secrets and ambitions. Although we do not look alike but we do behave like twins with the same interests and likes, sometimes we even buy the same clothes. Michelle is a really wonderful friend who stay by my side giving me advices and solutions to my problems and she is very supportive. Michelle is the best....... Friends Forever.
*the background music is the type of music which my friends and I like to dance to at vogue disco. |